Reviews from Past Participants HERE.

Learn More About Victoria Johnson and Her Team HERE.

Become a Certified and Licensed Heal Your Life® Workshop Facilitator.

We are limiting attendance in order to maximize the experience for everyone. To register, contact victoria@thetraining.ca and complete the registration form HERE. 

Note: If you are looking for our open double certification training in April 2025, please visit our other website HERE.

More than half of the participants at our most recent training, in April 2024, were Indigenous people from across Turtle Island. At that event, we saw the need to offer an all-Indigenous training to teach the program in a way that honours culture, ceremonies, and land-based activities, alongside personal healing, growth, and education. Many people who are sponsored by their Band to attend are community leaders, teachers, front-line workers, and elders.
Previous participants have experienced deep inner healing and returned to their families and communities to share their insights through teaching workshops, as well as the ripple effect caused by their growth and healing.

Victoria Johnson, PhD, is the authorized trainer for this training retreat. She is a designated Hay House expert and holds this position with less than 25 people worldwide. Victoria has been holding similar training events in Canada since 2017 and has welcomed people from well over a dozen countries, including Canada. At this particular training, she will be joined by Indigenous men and women, who she has previously trained in the Heal Your Life work, in order to seamlessly blend Indigenous wisdom into the framework of the Heal Your Life philosophy and curriculum.

Honouring Ceremony and Tradition
The retreat will feature ceremonies (adhering to Indigenous protocol) and land-based activities, honouring the connection to ancestral roots and the natural world. Esteemed guests, such as elders and traditional healers, will lead these enriching experiences. Guest teacher, OKEMA, Cody Montour —a distinguished Indigenous singer/songwriter, speaker, and clothing designer will assist in the facilitation of the training week. (Cody has taken the Heal Your Life training program twice and credits it to teaching him how to lead with love as an Indigenous man.)
Victoria Johnson and Cody Montour bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to promoting self-love, healing, and empowerment within Indigenous communities. Their unique blend of expertise and cultural understanding ensures a meaningful and impactful training experience. Victoria has been known as an Indigenous ally for many years and is honored to bring the vision of this training retreat to fruition.
We will also include daily smudging and plan to bring in a drummer and dancer.

About the Training
The Heal Your Life® Training program is in its 25th year and is authorized by Hay House, the world’s largest inspirational publishing company. These workshops are based on Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life®, incorporating many other like-minded teachers’ tools and techniques. Our participants learn how to facilitate workshops to move forward by breaking through old patterns and developing new ways of thinking, being, and living.
This transformative program is designed to empower people to embrace a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth and then to return to their communities with the skills and tools to help others do the same. Our training program draws inspiration from universal principles while respecting and honouring Indigenous teachings.
Through healing techniques and positive philosophy, participants learn how to create more of what they want in their lives, including increased wellness in their bodies, minds, and lifestyles. We will address the effects of intergenerational trauma and work together to continue heal our own wounds to create a better future.
One of the many lasting benefits of this training retreat is the connections made with other like minded people. The bond that is formed is strong and holds both trust and love for each other. This support network is something that former participants have drawn on for many years. After the training retreat ends, we meet for three structured sessions to follow up, and then monthly as the group continues to support each other.

Training Dates and Location
The training retreat will be held at the Banff Park Lodge in Banff, Alberta, from October 6th to 12th, 2024.

Tuition – This event will fill up soon, and we will accept names for the waiting list after that time.  Currently, there are a few spaces left open. 
The tuition for this training is $7797 CAD per person, due September 5th, 2024. The tuition includes your hotel room and most meals.  All participants must stay at the hotel and have their own room. This allows for maximum absorption of the materials and time to process the deep work we are doing. 

Scroll down for more details about the workshop training and videos from past participants.

• Includes Private Hotel Room (Arrival on October 6, departure on October 12)
• Five breakfasts, five lunches, and two dinners
• Two breaks with snacks and refreshments daily
• All your training materials and in-depth manuals, both printed and digitally
• Certification exclusively authorized by Hay House Inc.
• Additional training prior to the training and after, both via Zoom
• A network of like-minded people who will become friends for life
What’s Not Included:
• Four dinners (suppers) – this allows participants to explore the town and mingle together in smaller groups
• Parking in the hotel underground parking ($16 per day plus tax) for those bringing a vehicle
• Shuttle fees to and from the airport for those flying into Calgary
• License and insurance (below) unless arrangements have been made with Victoria Johnson Wellness Inc.
• National Park Pass for those bringing a vehicle. If a Status Card is presented at the gate, the fee is waived.

License and Insurance
During the training, we will work together to complete your mandatory registration into the Hay House Inc. licensing program. This extension of our training arose in 2009 when Hay House Inc. trademarked “You Can Heal Your Life®” and “Heal Your Life®,” granting us and our trainees an exclusive right to use these powerful names. Acquiring certification and licensing adds a substantial level of professionalism for each HYL workshop teacher and coach. Maintaining your license is a requirement to share HYL work with others. The licensing fee amounts to $99 USD annually.
Additionally, as per Hay House’s requirements, liability insurance is necessary for all licensees in Canada and the US. We have procured an exceptional policy that covers personal and professional liability for only $150 USD. Participants are required to hold the license and insurance for a minimum of one year.

How to Register
To reserve your spot at the training retreat, we require a deposit (the PayPal link is on this page) or a Letter of Intent from a funding organization. Your registration form is HERE. If you have questions, please contact us: Victoria@thetraining.ca or call or text 1.780.228.1238. 

Thank you for your interest in this transformational training. We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and we are always open to feedback from you. We appreciate you and wish you well.

More About Heal Your Life® Workshops

Discover the Power of Heal Your Life® Workshops

Embark on a transformative journey inspired by the timeless wisdom of Louise Hay with Heal Your Life® workshops. These workshops are rooted in the philosophy of Louise Hay, the pioneering author and the visionary behind Hay House publishing. They are designed to empower individuals worldwide through self-discovery and practical tools for personal transformation.

Guided by certified and licensed workshop teachers trained in Louise Hay’s methods, Heal Your Life® workshops offer a holistic approach to wellness and growth. Drawing from Hay’s seminal work, “You Can Heal Your Life,” which has resonated with millions globally, these workshops introduce participants to powerful concepts and techniques for profound inner healing and empowerment.

Key Elements of Heal Your Life® Workshops:

  1. Harnessing the Power of Thoughts and Affirmations: Explore the transformative potential of positive thinking and affirmations in reshaping your life, influencing everything from physical health to emotional well-being.
  2. Cultivating Self-Love and Forgiveness: Embrace the essential practices of self-love and forgiveness as foundational steps toward healing and personal growth.
  3. Understanding the Mind-Body Connection: Delve into the intricate relationship between mind and body, uncovering how your thoughts and attitudes can impact your physical health.
  4. Tapping into Inner Healing: Discover the innate power within yourself to overcome past traumas, transform limiting beliefs, and cultivate holistic well-being.
  5. Crafting Your Reality: Learn how to consciously shape your reality through visualization and affirmations, manifesting the positive outcomes you desire.

Inclusive Workshop Sessions Cover:

  • Shifting from “Should” to “Could” Mindset
  • Exploring the Inner Child
  • Identifying and Transforming Negative Messages
  • Addressing Family Dynamics
  • Releasing Old Emotions and Practicing Forgiveness
  • Crafting a New Personal Narrative

Experience Lasting Change:

Through engaging activities, group support, and expert guidance, Heal Your Life® workshops empower you to rewrite your story, cultivate resilience, and embrace a life of authenticity and joy. By the end of the workshop, you’ll possess a toolkit of practices to sustain your growth journey, fostering lasting well-being and fulfillment.

Testimonials from a few Previous Indigenous Participants

We are sharing these testimonials with the permission of those who wrote them:

The Heal Your Life training retreat is well organized, and Victoria and her team are knowledgeable and effective. I absolutely would recommend it to others, and note that it is very high value for the cost! It has been life-changing for me.

Brenda, NWT

Victoria is such a genuine support. This training has helped me greatly in my journey for myself, and in my journey of being a helper for others. I left with a huge boost in confidence because Victoria ensured I was valued, and had growth that was visible to me and others. I will go to this training again; it was life-changing.

Jennifer, SK

Dear reader, I declare today, as someone who has been taught about Indigenous ceremonies and practices, that the Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life workshop and training are in alignment with our Indigenous knowledge, values, and beliefs. I trust this program and its concepts, and I am grateful for the healing I have brought into my life with this program. Even during difficult times, Louise Hay’s concepts have supported my healing to a limitless level. I feel loved and appreciated, and I want to extend that hopefully feeling and wish to you as well. If you are considering joining this program, I encourage you to do so. You will be pleasantly surprised and find a renewed love for life. Imagine a world without fear, negativity, or limitations. It is possible!

Tanya, Ontario

I love Victoria. She embodies love, grace and kindness. She is caring and considerate of your needs. Not only does she show so much love and compassion for each person she encounters, she s a great teacher and an amazing coach! Her Banff workshops are filled with so much magic, fun and beautiful moments. Thank you Victoria for helping change my life. ❤️

Sheri, Saskatchewan

“As a Social Justice practitioner for 35 years I realized the focus on the problems, trauma, and injustices created a mindset that was exhausting, heavy. At times, I felt little hope for humanity and the world as a whole. I found the entire training to be very well connected, planned and sequenced which naturally facilitated the opening of my heart, mind and awareness of my body. I am forever grateful for this experience. I have shared the importance of having faith, self love, inner compassion and worthiness in my work with people in a self destructive mindsets and it has had powerful immediate impacts on their personal choices. At the Heal Your Life training in Banff, I met people from so many different culture’s and places, it caused me to question how I perceived the world before taking the training. Now I see everyone through a lens of love and curiosity with compassion for the human journey and, most importantly, no matter what walk of life, I remember, everyone has a story. Victoria’s presentation style and leadership made me feel at ease, it was obvious she is a master presenter truly connected to her humanness. I felt like I was in the presence of someone “who lived it”. Victoria assembled the dream team of coaches and assistants and they flowed together with such power and grace it was as if they were divinely guided. My life is altered for the better, by taking the risk to love myself enough to attend.

Rosemary, Yukon Territory

I am leaving feeling loved, self-love, and lighter. This was far beyond my expectations! I am grateful. My time during the HYL coach/training far exceeded my expectations. To practice and then learn is a full package deal. I did my own work and picked up many skills and teachings to bring love, abundance, and success to my life. I will be forever grateful.
~Julie Brant – Kahrahtiŕontha, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

I attended Victoria Johnson’s Heal Your Life Teacher and Coach training in Banff, Alberta. It was an absolute transforming time for me. The beauty of the mountains, Victoria’s heart and the energy of our group will forever be with me.
~Tsyononrah aka: Cheryle Maracle, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

“I love this training! What Victoria does in ten days is worth a year of what I could have learned in school. She does it with so much love and passion, and she provides a safe space for students to shine their gifts and blossom.”
~Julie, Shuswap Nation

“I’m going home transformed into something I once thought wasn’t achievable. I’m going home filled with love that will make such an impact. I’m going to radiate this love across Turtle Island so even more people can feel the ripple effect of Victoria.”
~Okema – Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. Samson First Nation

“Victoria’s workshop and training program blessed me in so many ways. It opened me up, and I feel confident and validated in my purpose to help others. Thank you so much for the amazing breakthroughs that so many of us witnessed at your training. You are the realist, kindest, most gifted coach and trainer I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Hiy Hiy.”
~Sheri–Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. Samson First Nation.

“Victoria’s abilities and knowledge of the material she presents is incredible. The manner that she upholds, highlights, and recognizes her student’s gifts is so empowering. I know who I was when I walked through that door, and the woman I am now are very different. I am very grateful to Victoria for allowing me to show up and be seen as my eccentric self in such a safe and supported way.”
~Ashley–Carcross/Tagish First Nation, Yukon Territory

“Victoria took me to the place of honouring myself and trusting my intuition on a deeper level, to walk through fears and embrace my shining light. I feel fully equipped to take my teaching of the Heal Your Life Workshop out into the world! I also know and believe that she is deeply committed to supporting this endeavour.”
Miigwetch (Thank you with respect.)
~Annette, Manitoba

***Investment details: Our team will email you within 24 hours of receiving your deposit. International students do NOT pay GST. For Canadian residents, all prices are subject to GST and will be calculated on your invoice after the registration process. Payments for the remainder of the course will be due in three equal installments unless other arrangements have been made. Please see the cancellation policy below.

If you need extra time or an alternative payment plan, please contact Victoria directly.

** Cancellation Policy: Please submit any cancellation requests in writing. If you cancel more than 45 days before the training begins, all but $1000 will be refunded. If you cancel less than 45 days prior to the event, no refunds are possible unless someone is available to take your place in the program. If someone is available, all will be refunded except for the deposit. If the event needs to be rescheduled due to unforeseeable circumstances (for example, COVID), a credit will be issued to the student to choose from for the next two trainings offered by Victoria Johnson Coaching and Training Academy.